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Ρόδου 27, Μεταμόρφωση 144 52, Αθήνα 210 2813379

Energy and Electromechanical Study

Energy and Electromechanical Study

Photovoltaic Installation Optimization

At the initial stage and having only the topographic, we evaluate the site with Energy and Electromechanical study and we design the placement of the equipment using appropriate programs. By simulating the existing situation, which is accompanied by the electromechanical preliminary study, depending on the desired equipment to be used, we arrive at the optimal solution for the utilization of the plot to the maximum extent. More specifically, we dimension the inverters using PVSyst and the corresponding programs of the inverters, in order to select the maximum allowable number of panels per series and calculate the combinations that we need to apply in the Energy and Electromechanical study. The above process is known as sizing and siting.

There is also an evaluation of different scenarios, for example:

  • Use of fixed or mobile bases
  • Addition of 10% more installed capacity or not, so that depending on the connection mode of each project (TEN-EPA, ADMIE, exchange, PPA, self-consumption, etc.) the maximum efficiency of the overall investment is achieved

Regarding the Energy and Electromechanical Study, having selected the equipment to be used, we are in communication with the supplier of the substation for the appropriate choice of materials. Also, using mathematical models and formulas regarding voltage drop, the cross-sections of the wiring are calculated so that the total loss of production in the installation remains less than one percent.